Level 3 Emergency Paediactic First Aid
The qualification is designed for learners with a responsibility for the care of children and babies on a professional level providing the knowledge and practical competence to deal with a range of paediatric first aid situations. This 6-hour qualification meets the requirements stated in the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. It is the responsibility of the employer to ensure adequate numbers of appropriately trained personnel. This qualification is regulated in the UK and awarded by First Aid Awards (FAA).​
For more information, please click on the pdf
Level 3 Paediactric First Aid
The qualification is designed for learners with a responsibility for the care of children and babies on a professional level providing the knowledge and practical competence to deal with a range of paediatric first aid situations. This 12-hour qualification meets the requirements stated in the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. It is the responsibility of the employer to ensure adequate numbers of appropriately trained personnel. This qualification is regulated in the UK and awarded by First Aid Awards (FAA).
For more information, please click on the pdf